Why you should think remote when looking for a new home

Created by: Federica Chacon
Date: Jan/23/2024

Home offices a daily routine. House plans now include rooms dedicated to working and other activities

Source: https://renoguide.com.au/home-office/35-classic-home-office-ideas-and-designs

It's no secret that working as we know it has completely changed after the pandemic. Experts agree that it is 100% impossible that many of us will return to how we used to work with 8 hours a day sitting in an office. Consequently, many of us are reorganizing our home designs to fit our needs now and in the future. Some of our needs could be having a space for online courses - studies, exercising and working remotely. Thus, having additional rooms dedicated to some of these activities helps you improve productivity and efficiency and stimulate a healthier lifestyle.

However, using a residual space in a home office, such as a living, dining, or any other room, does not guarantee a comfortable place for a day-long working activity. Let alone use it every day. Besides, having different activities mixed within one room of the house –worse if it's from various family members– generally generates conflict. Thus, not having a dedicated space for a home office, among other factors, will undoubtedly prevent you from working at your best. Additionally, it can keep you from increasing the value of your home, as it will be unattractive to future homebuyers. This is key if you're thinking about your house in the long term.

If you plan on building a "semi-custom" new home soon, you should consider searching for a house plan with a home office. One from which you can comfortably work remotely without distractions and accomplish other activities, such as meditation, playing an instrument, or whatever else tickles your fancy.

To take this argument one step forward, including a home office or a multi-use room will have the following benefits:

The resale value of your home increases

What works for you may be entirely different from someone else's needs. However, having a well-designed room dedicated to working remotely from home is a great asset in your house plan design, given that it is becoming a necessity for more and more people now and in the future. In addition, we live in changing times, so you must think long-term and build your new house with floor plans that adapt to these changes. Therefore, including a home office room will play in your favor as it improves your lifestyle and future investment.

It's also a change that affects the environment positively

Everyone contributes to the planet in their way, and some of us are greener than others. Including a home office in your new house will help reduce your carbon footprint by driving or commuting less.

Homboo’s modern homes floorplan layouts and modern, including a home offices and relax room

Source: www.homboo.com

You can save mor

Having a space in your beautiful home to work comfortably and productively for long hours can save you money in different ways. First, you save big on commuting expenses, as mentioned above. Second, you will save money on eating out or getting snacks and coffee. Third, you can also save significantly on clothing suitable for going to the office. And the list goes on and on, from childcare, data costs, and dog walkers. If you're conscious of this new lifestyle, you will see significant changes in your budget in the short, mid, and long term.

More time for you

It is true that before the pandemic, we had a tough time setting boundaries with our time. However, now we know that working from home offers us more time to spend with our families and friends, exercising, and even playing with the dog. As a result, we've truly learned to appreciate the extra time we have to spend with the ones we love most or do the activities that make our hearts happy.

I don't know about you, but thinking about how long it would take me to get ready, have breakfast, and drive or commute to the office every day makes me cringe at those lost hours.

You'll be more productive

Having an office at home could play in your favor or against it. It will depend on how productive you want to be with your time. For example, suppose your "home office" is set up somewhere in the dining, living, or other room with different activities. In that case, you could well be constantly distracted and interrupted. Not to mention the inability to hold important meetings with working peers online.

Thus, ensuring an efficient and productive work day starts with a well-designed home office that proves well-located. In addition to its location, it also needs the correct natural light quality to offer you comfortable long working hours, avoiding distractions. The room where working shouldn't feel like some haphazardly put-together desk and chair in an area shared with the Peloton and the playroom. It will be ideal if this room counts with a large window area bringing natural light and a feeling of openness. It is also recommended the window area be buffered somewhat from the outdoors. Again, it's about Psychology 101: Before the pandemic, experts recommend not working from our beds. It was important to separate work from family life and sleeping time. Well, the same happens here. An appropriate home office must be a space dedicated to "work and productivity" and meet a minimum set of requirements to function correctly.

In summary, some of us will never go back to how we worked in the past. As a result, we might have to research more and learn about the benefits of having a home with the right house plan. One that includes a home office appropriately located. Thus, it is a question of which house design and floor plan ideally suit your needs, goals, and style preferences. Questions such as, what is floor plan layout? How can I make a good house design? Can I design my house plan?

Luckily, homboo.com can help you with that. You can check our home plans to see which best fits your dream home

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