Why having a home office in your floor plan saves you money

Created by: Federica Chacon
Date: Jan/23/2024

homboo’s modern house designs and modern open floorplans include beautiful home offices – lots of natural light

Source: www.homboo.com

We have all experienced the highs and lows of having a home office –be it improvised in the middle of the pandemic or planned in your home's house plan. Since then, many of us have been working from home either because it was our employers' decision or ours. As a result, many of us have changed at least somewhat our work habits. Moreover, given all the new technologies and working styles that have emerged in the last two years, they seem to accommodate today's remote working needs better. Thus, we now better understand how we can benefit from having a well-organized separate room that feels and functions like an office. This is better than improvising a residual little working space somewhere around the house.

Therefore, if you are looking to build a new home and searching for the right house plan, it is crucial to search and filter home plans that include a home office room. It will make your life easier, more productive, and better organized. Also, it will help you save money in the short and long term –big time. Don't believe us? Let's look at it more closely:

Avoid the commuting time and its costs

Commuting is the most obvious cut in your monthly budget, saving gas, maintenance, parking, or even subway expenses. However, not driving daily to work could make you reconsider even selling one of your cars. After all, these new adjustments may change your lifestyle, depending on the suburb or city you live in.

On the other hand, there is nothing sweeter, more efficient, and more convenient than a 30-foot commute to get to your desk. Even worse when you're running late to a meeting instead of braving the traffic and parking.

Simply designed home offices

Source: www.homboo.com


Staying at home most of the day means you'll most likely eat meals cooked by yourself. This will help cut many lunches at the food court and restaurants or even go to the coffee shop around the corner when the procrastination hits. This will not only be a money saver but could be healthier depending on your meal plan. Nonetheless, be careful with those extra trips to the kitchen right next door when the mid-morning or mid-afternoon anxiety hits… we're all guilty of those.

Sure, we all miss our regular coffee orders from time to time with our working peers, but going out to get it when you crave it and not because it's right there can save you some cash (and the jitters). Also, there is always Tik Tok for all the at-home coffee prep inspo that can get you excited to prepare it at home.   


Thinking about the shopping trips dedicated to finding "office-appropriate" attire gives us shivers. Still, most of all, having to spend all day in uncomfortable clothes. Most of us have compiled a comfy set of options for absolutely multifunctional attire, from running an errand to going to the post office to jumping on a meeting. We now know that fixing hair and a bit of makeup can do the trick if we want to look more put together. We might not feel as if we're gaining weight with the lenient stretch of our sweatpants,  hey, ignorance is bliss.


Another significant upside of having a home office is not having to pay for childcare. Which can significantly increase the budget and allow you to spend more time with your child at home. For many parents, this reduces the mom or dad's "guilt" from not being there to witness those beautiful and meaningful moments. It's then a matter of balancing and having the time to focus on work and have some peace for yourself.

Data Costs

You may have already noticed that the data costs on your phone have dropped somewhat. Given that you are no longer searching on the web or using social media out and about, you can do it in the comfort of your home. This can likely lead to changing your data plan or even your carrier for a much cheaper one, saving you cash in the long run. Also, the cost of the internet and other home office necessities is most likely tax-deductible, so at least there's something to forward during tax season *sweats in finance*.

Besides money, the most crucial asset of a home office is time. Given the extra hours you get from working at home, you can use them to start a new business, invest your money, read, and spend time with your family, friends, and pets. These will drastically increase your sense of fulfillment and happiness. Of course, we still need to go out. Going out to have dinner with family or friends, visiting places, exercising, etc., is very necessary and healthy. Working from home frees us more time from our generally busy schedules to do what we need or enjoy doing and saves us money.

Ultimately, we must weigh the pros and cons of incorporating this into our lifestyle. Of course, we will still have to hit the office once or twice weekly for meetings and that sweet social interaction. But having a home office is definitely worth your while and your money. So if you're looking for home designs with the latest floor plan design for your dream home, definitely factor it in; you can visit homboo.com and check our high-quality house plans.

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